0 out of 5


  • SKU: 50225
    Couple portrait Hoopart 1,080.00

    Couple portrait Hoopart

    Size:- 8 inch

    Materials:- casement

     fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, hoop, beads. 

    P.S.- Can be customized , once the order is place our team will get in touch with you for the customization details and requirement.

  • SKU: 50223
    Wedding Hoopart – 3 980.00

    Wedding hoopart 

    Size:- 9 inch

    Materials:- casement

     fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, net, hoop ,beads

    P.S.- Can be customized , once the order is place our team will get in touch with you for the customization details and requirement.

  • SKU: 50221
    Wedding Hoopart – 2 980.00

    Wedding hoopart 

    Size:- 9 inch

    Materials:- casement

     fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, net, hoop ,beads

    P.S.- Can be customized , once the order is place our team will get in touch with you for the customization details and requirement.

  • SKU: 50219
    Wedding Hoopart – 1 980.00

    Wedding hoopart 

    Size:- 9 inch

    Materials:- casement

     fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, net, hoop, beads

    P.S.- Can be customized , once the order is place our team will get in touch with you for the customization details and requirement.

  • SKU: 49805
    Double hoop with photo 1,580.00

     Name :- Double hoop with photo

     Materials :- casement fabric , anchor threads, photo, hoop ( 9 &8 inch)

    , ribbon ,beads

  • SKU: 49548
    Embroidery hoopart with photo 1,000.00

    Embroidery Hoopart with photo

    Size:- 10 inch

    Materials:- casement

     fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, photo, hoop, beads.

  • SKU: 49546
    Wedding hoopart 1,100.00

    Wedding Hoopart

    Size:- 9 inch

    Materials:- casement fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, fabric paint, hoop

  • SKU: 47815
    Embroidery hoopart with photo 1,080.00

    Embroidery hoop-art with photo

    Size:- 9 inch

    Materials:- casement

     fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, photo, hoop, beads. 

    P.S. Once the order is placed our team will get in touch with you for the customization details and requirement.

  • SKU: 47813
    Wedding hoopart 1,180.00

    Wedding hoop-art

    Size:- 9 inch

    Materials:- casement fabric, anchor threads, ribbon, fabric paint, hoop

  • SKU: 47236
    Embroidery handkerchief 200.00

    It’s an Embroidery handkerchief.. it can be gifted to your loved one.. or use by yourself

    Can be customized 

    Bulk orders accepted

    P.S. Once the order is placed our team will get in touch with the customer for customization details and requirement. 

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