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  • SKU: 65953
    Ring Ceremony Platter 1,800.00

    And that beautiful ceremony where you formally get committed!!

    A ring ceremony platter to exchange rings in a very subtle yet beautiful manner ..

     This is a customized product which can be as glitzy and shimmery as desired. 

    On a wooden log slice , With lovely flowers, pearls and a romantic dim lit light .

  • SKU: 58892
    Hamper # 2 3,700.00

    This hamper includes : 

    1 .12“x10“ tray  

    2. 6“x6” wooden box in same tray colors and chocolate cookies inside .

    3. Tea light holder 

    4. 1 Fridge magnet

    5. 2coasters  

    6. wooden wreath . 

    7. Candle

  • SKU: 58776
    Hamper 3,700.00

    You can buy the set as it is  Or use as base for your hampers  or simply place order with for ready made hampers.

    This hamper includes :

    1 .12“x10“ tray  

    2. 6“x6” wooden box with confectionery of your choice (chocolates/ dry cakes/ sweets) 

    3. Tea light holder 

    4. Fridge magnets in deer face shape  

    5. 6wooden coasters  

    6. wooden wreath . 

    7. Candle

    These hampers are totally made to order with golden tissue and floral packing and decoration.

  • SKU: 57092
    Return Gift Hamper’s Boxes 2,000.00

    Celebrating birthday , festivals, anniversaries? The art of return favors shouldn’t be a stress !

    Choose from a wide range of hampers ,

    • handmade boxes/ trays
    • handmade/ readymade sweets n cakes
    • tlight holders and key holders ….all topped with a personal note.

    Your job is to just enjoy the occasion. Leave gifting part  on us !!

    P.S. Once the order is placed our team will get in touch with you for the customization details and requirement.

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